About the Network


The Oregon Disaster Funders Network leverages philanthropy’s ability to reduce the negative impact of disasters on communities (especially vulnerable communities) by supporting, communicating, and coordinating within, across and beyond the philanthropic sector, with public entities, and with local initiatives to support all phases of the disaster lifecycle: preparation, response, and recovery.

The Network also creates shared resources and strengthens relationships to improve systems within the sector and beyond. This relationship-building is critical to establishing the long-term preparedness and resiliency necessary for successful post-disaster community recovery.

By empowering communities through increased and better coordinated funding, they, in turn, are more equipped to keep focus where it belongs––mobilizing resources, resolving disaster trauma, removing barriers to recovery access, and building resiliency to reduce a disaster's impact.


Oregon Disaster Funders Network is managed by The Ford Family Foundation and Roundhouse Foundation with contracted facilitation and management support provided by Kelley Nonprofit Consulting via an annual Scope of Work. The Network has a Steering Committee with representatives from Roundhouse Foundation; Oregon Community Foundation; The Ford Family Foundation; Meyer Memorial Trust; Benton Community Foundation; and United Ways of the Pacific Northwest. Anyone interested in deepening their engagement, please contact Kristin at kristin@kelleynonprofitconsulting.com.

Network membership is open to all philanthropic organizations and those providing community support via formalized corporate giving or community giving channels. Members are encouraged to participate at whatever level suits their capacity and interest, from attending monthly meetings to simply receiving the Network’s email updates and accessing the cloud-based assets it maintains. Meetings emphasize relationship-building, resource sharing, and are generally topic based, with a new topic visited monthly in addition to the standard rhythm of small-group breakouts, funding need updates, reporting out on legislative and other public agency updates, and “activating” in times of disaster. Activation includes a period of more frequent communication as community needs are collated, shared, and then resources distributed generally peer-to-peer or through other avenues facilitating swift, trust-based distribution. During “blue-skies” times, the Network also works on building the resources and relationships necessary for successful activation.

Featured on Public Radio

To learn more about the Network and its impact, listen to a recent interview on ‘The Jefferson Exchange’ aired by Jefferson Public Radio.


To learn more about any of the above, please contact Kristin at kristin@kelleynonprofitconsulting.com.

Sign up for quarterly updates from Oregon Disaster Funders Network.