How We Work

The Oregon Disaster Funders Network (ODFN) gathers critical information from communities and our member organizations during, after, and in anticipation of disasters in Oregon. ODFN then shares related funding needs, resources, and community connections with its members to encourage collaboration across the sector, and increase disaster philanthropy. 

All of this is undertaken with a goal of reducing the impact of disasters on historically marginalized communities.


Network Activation is an intense period of communication that, if the Network is officially activated, includes coordinated funding and other resource sharing. Network Activation has three parts:

  • Pre Activation - during this time, the Network’s management team connects with known and unknown organizations in the area,  incident command centers and/or the County Emergency Manager, stays apprised of local social media channels and pages, and attends community meetings as available.

  • Activation - the Network is “activated” when all three are true: (1) a disaster is a threat to lives, health, homes, structures, infrastructure; (2) a disaster is clearly exceeding a community’s ability to respond or provide resources to community members; (3) the Network’s management team is able to connect directly with impacted community members and organizations to verify information and needs (all measures are taken to reduce burdens on community members during this time - i.e., conversations are kept brief, any independent due diligence is conducted prior to community contact, etc.).

  • Resource Coordination - the Network’s management team then provides frequent and collated updates on the above situations, which organizations are providing responsive and culturally relevant services (especially locally-led efforts), what funding needs are urgent, and preferences of recipient organizations. Funding is not pooled, rather funders maintain full autonomy over their resources and determine if, when and how much to contribute to any disaster-related needs - activated or not. To support this, however, the Network’s manager helps coordinate, matchmake, conduct due diligence and other efforts as called upon by Network members and in alignment with members’ focus areas, geographic preferences, values and more.

  • Although not required, Network members usually share details of their contributions with the Network’s management team so the team can report out on impact and also alert members when a disaster-specific goal has been achieved. In the past two years, over $2M has been leveraged by Network members during periods of Activation and coordinated initiatives.


To reduce redundancies, and fill gaps as needed, the Network connects with a variety of public sector partners and jurisdictions both during periods of activation and throughout the year. 

Just a few of the Network’s Public Sector and Jurisdiction partners include:

  • Tribal Emergency Managers and Public Safety Personnel

  • Oregon Department of Emergency Management

  • Oregon Department of Health Services


In addition to sharing a variety of local needs through many Network channels, the Network also occasionally welcomes special guests during Network meetings to share more about a specific topic or organization, specifically highlighting the needs of underresourced populations and disinvested areas. 

Just a few of the recent special guests or featured organizations include: 

  • Raíces de Bienestar

  • McKenzie Valley Long-Term Recovery Group

  • NOWIA Unete, Center for Farmworker Advocacy


The Network has processes and protocols that dictate and support "activation" defined as intense periods of in-community coordination of information, resources and funding, and while working with community-based organizations, public sector, and philanthropy. These protocols help ensure: 

  • Information is gathered efficiently

  • Detailed shared with members are accurate

  • Funding recommendations are vetted and sound

  • All aspects of the process are undertaken equitably

  • Needs shared center community voice and experience


While the Oregon Disaster Funders Network does not maintain a pooled or singular source of support, funding needs are shared with Network members.

We welcome you to Contact Us or Share a Need.

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